Science Mill

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Did you know that light and sound are both waves?

Did you know that light and sound are both waves?

This means the way that they transfer energy through space is in the form of a wave! Light waves and sound waves are, however, very different. Light travels much, much faster than sound (have you ever heard the phrase: “at the speed of light”?). “Light waves move at speeds that are nearly one million times faster than sound waves are capable of traveling.” 

Wave-lengths are how we distinguish between colors of visible light. Red light is made of longer, slower waves, and violet light is made of shorter, faster waves. The widely-known sequence of visible light, or “colors of the rainbow” (ROYGBIV), are actually in wavelength order! A rainbow is a spectrum, or separation, of light, caused by rays of sunshine shining through raindrops that are suspended in the air after a rainstorm.

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To learn more about the behavior of light, check out the Light Loom exhibit at the Science Mill to see a hands-on demonstration of color mixing! And if you want to explore more about sound waves, head on over to the Explorer Zone to learn about Sound in our Silos!