Science Mill

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What is Monarch Watch Tagging?

The Monarch butterfly, with its distinctive orange and black wings, is one of nature's most captivating and iconic creatures. Each year, these magnificent insects undertake an incredible journey, traveling thousands of miles from North America to their wintering grounds in Mexico. The remarkable story of their migration and conservation efforts to protect these delicate creatures has given rise to initiatives like Monarch Watch Tagging, a project that allows individuals to actively participate in understanding and preserving these butterflies — and YOU can be a part of this project!

First, let’s look at the migration of these butterflies.

Understanding Monarch Migration

During the fall, millions of Monarchs leave their breeding grounds in North America to travel to the warmer climate of Mexico. This journey spans several generations, as no single butterfly makes the entire round-trip flight. Instead, the butterflies follow a relay system, with each generation passing the baton to the next. This complex and awe-inspiring phenomenon raises numerous questions about how these tiny creatures manage to find their way across vast distances, which is where Monarch Watch Tagging comes into play.

The Significance of Monarch Watch Tagging

Monarch Watch Tagging is a citizen science program that plays a vital role in the conservation of these magnificent butterflies. Through this initiative, participants, or "taggers," apply small, harmless, adhesive tags to the wings of Monarch butterflies. These tags contain unique identification numbers, allowing researchers to track individual butterflies. Here are some key reasons why Monarch Watch Tagging is essential:

  1. Migration Research: Monarch Watch Tagging provides valuable data about the routes Monarchs take, the timing of their migrations, and their destinations. This information is crucial for understanding the intricacies of the Monarchs' incredible journey and ensuring their survival.

  2. Conservation Efforts: By tracking Monarchs, scientists can identify the locations of crucial breeding, migration, and overwintering sites. This information helps in the development of targeted conservation efforts to protect these fragile ecosystems.

  3. Engaging the Community: Monarch Watch Tagging is an excellent way to involve people from all walks of life in the conservation of Monarch butterflies. It fosters a sense of connection with nature and encourages environmental stewardship.

How to Get Involved

If you want to learn how to participate in Monarch Watch Tagging, you can drop by the Science Mill from October 21-22! Tagging supplies will be provided as well as guides on how to safely locate, catch, and tag Monarchs. You will also learn how to report your findings, which will help scientists learn more about this incredible migration process.

Workshop entry comes with museum admission.

So what are you waiting for? Become a citizen scientist this weekend at the Science Mill!

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